
Medical Laboratory Services
MLS is a very clean and hygienic laboratory where services are provided in a friendly and efficient manner, matching the best service internationally available. All tests are completed swiftly and are guaranteed to be accurate for evaluation by the client's physician.
Laboratory tests are essential in today's medical society. Diagnosing an illness or disease is not the responsibility of one single medical professional, but rather that of a team of several highly competent medical and paramedical professionals in various areas. This team is committed to reaching the most accurate conclusions possible regarding a patient's health condition.
The medical laboratory plays a central role in this effort. A patient's medical file contains numerous laboratory test results, including some clinical and some radiological results. These test results are very important to reach a diagnosis and the subsequent treatment of an illness or disease.
MLS at De Savaan is open from Monday to Friday:
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
MLS at Suikertuintje is open from Monday to Friday:
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM, and Satuday from 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM